6 Things You Need for Deck Coating Project Success


Author: Amy Freeman | August 7, 2024

Whether it's attached to a seaside hotel, a condominium complex or a large shopping center, concrete decks provide a comfortable place for people to relax and enjoy the outdoors, or safely walk or drive into one of these destinations. Based on the type of environment, you'll need waterproof deck coating to protect these structures from potential water intrusion and damage.

The top level of a parking garage with a coating.
Before a deck coating project, there are steps you can take to ensure success.

Here's what you need to know to ensure a successful project.

1. Project Scope

First, consider the size of your project and the type of deck you're working on. The type of deck also gives you a hint as to how it will be used. For example, a deck along a shopping center may see a lot of foot traffic as people walk from store to store. A condominium balcony or walkway will have less foot traffic but may have more furniture resting on top of it. A deck exposed to vehicular traffic warrants other considerations.

Also, consider the location of the deck. If it's by the sea or a lake, it'll be exposed to more moisture than a deck in landlocked area. The overall size and foot traffic on the deck will determine the best type of coating to use. The options can include multi-layer systems or single coatings.

2. Right Installation Procedure

Next, review the installation process provided by the manufacturer based on the material, project size and location. For example, you may need a coat of primer on certain substrates.

3. Surface Preparation

Surface preparation is essential before coating a deck. You need to have a clean surface, or else the deck coating won't fully adhere to the material. Often, surface preparation includes deep cleaning the deck, usually using a power washer as well as some form of mechanical abrading to the surface so that the coating material adheres to the deck consistently.

4. System Selection

There are many deck coating systems and technologies available on the market. Project requirements should be taken into effect when choosing a system.

Beacon's Waterproofing Team can help you choose the right system, tools and waterproofing products to use to ensure your project lasts.

5. Installation Conditions

Moisture and extreme temperatures are enemies of many deck coating technologies. The environment you're working in will impact the type of system you select and when you can begin and complete the project.

For instance, conditions typically need to be dry for you to coat a deck effectively. If the surface is damp or wet, after rain or deep cleaning, the coating won't adhere fully. In that case, you'll want to wait for the material to dry before continuing.

As far as temperature goes, the lower the temperature, the longer it takes for the coating to cure. If you are trying to coat a deck when it's below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, extended cure times will need to be taken into consideration. You'll have the opposite problem in hot weather. When temps climb to 90 degrees or higher, the coating will dry too quickly.

6. Customer Follow-up

Your work isn't over after the coating project is finished. It's important to stay in touch with your customers to ensure they're happy with the results and to make sure the coating is performing to their expectations. It's a good idea to follow up about a week or two after project completion to see how things are going. Being proactive, even if there isn't an issue, will reassure customers and make them think of your company when they have another waterproofing project or when someone they know is looking for waterproofing.

You can count on Beacon Waterproofing to have significant inventory of deck coating materials to meet the requirements of your project, in-stock and ready for delivery.